Friday, May 04, 2007

British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM

British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM

Wonderful Story about former Catholic Priest who used to work in Vatican and left all that for islam after he found the right Path to the Truth.

Idris Tawfiq, an English Catholic priest who became a convert to Islam. "I think people who embrace Islam see a calmness and simplicity that many have not experienced before. I don't see it as rigid, it's empowering. Islam is beautiful, sweet and gentle."

11/08/2006: Idris Tawfiq, a British Catholic priest who became a convert to Islam, is a source of fascination in his adopted home in Cairo. Mary Fitzgerald spoke to him about his personal journey of discovery.

It is a story that intrigues many in Idris Tawfiq's adopted home of Egypt. It is what draws people to his lectures and guarantees people will read his column in a local English language newspaper. It ensures dozens will participate in his online discussions on Islamic websites.

Everyone wants to know about the British man who went from Catholic priest to devout Muslim, or as one website put it, "from the Vatican to Al Azhar".

Idris, an unassuming fortysomething, understands why his story piques people's interest but insists, for him, the change felt very natural.

"Strange as it might look to millions of people, it seemed a very logical step for me to become Muslim," he says. "People say to me all that time that it must be a massive change, a complete about-face.

"But it's not. I see my life so far as very much a straight line, leading me little by little to where I am today."

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