Friday, May 04, 2007

سمع حرقة بكاء النصرانى و هو يقول الشهادة!

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

شيخ دعا هذا النصراني في أقل من عشر دقائق و استجاب له و

سوف تسمعون بكائه و هو يلقى الشهاده

يقطع القلب

اضغط هنا لتحميل المادة

What Non-Muslim Scholars say about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

What Non-Muslim Scholars say about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Quotes by non muslim scholars on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

for more please visit:

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Two Women with different Colors convert to Islam

2 Women with different Colors convert to Islam .. Live from London!

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Dr Ian Webber from England Converts to Islam in Beirut

Dr Ian Webber from England Converts to Islam in Beirut

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German Doctor and his Wife converted to Islam.

German Doctor and his Wife converted to Islam.

We begin in the year 2004 at Easter. One of our patients invited my wife and me with dinner and said: „Today we maintain... all" us about the Islam. "After initial hesitating the maintenance became ever more relaxed and fascinated us into the last cell - which began right line. A new world opened itself for my loved wife and me, it was like a door, which was opened for us. I for my part was still completely adjusted to the rational world, call we her the head. Women have as well known a better intuition, call we them belly.

It took four weeks, until the decision fell first with my wife: „I will obey Allah! "Also I could not differently: The head wanted to gladly still hesitate and consider, the belly strove to put as fast as possible the Christianity down and profess themselves to the Islam. Because we could only win. Shortly thereafter we put our Glaubensbekenntnis down and started a life, which we did not know so yet. We knew: We want to obey Allah (t) and to obey - so far it in our small power- hiss laws.


Beginnen wir im Jahr 2004 zu Ostern. Einer unserer Patienten lud meine Frau und mich zum Abendessen ein und sagte: „Heute unterhalten wir ... Alle » uns über den Islam." Nach anfänglichem Zögern wurde die Unterhaltung immer entspannter und faszinierte uns bis in die letzte Zelle -- die Rechtleitung begann. Eine neue Welt tat sich für meine geliebte Frau und mich auf, es war wie eine Tür, die für uns geöffnet wurde. Ich für meinen Teil war noch ganz auf die rationale Welt eingestellt, nennen wir sie den Kopf. Frauen haben ja bekanntlich eine bessere Intuition, nennen wir sie Bauch.

Es dauerte vier Wochen, bis die Entscheidung zuerst bei meiner Frau fiel: „Ich werde Allah gehorchen!" Auch ich konnte nicht anders: Der Kopf wollte gerne noch zögern und überlegen, der Bauch strebte danach, schnellstmöglich das Christentum abzulegen und sich zum Islam zu bekennen. Denn wir konnten nur gewinnen. Kurz darauf legten wir unser Glaubensbekenntnis ab und starteten ein Leben, das wir so noch nicht gekannt haben. Wir wussten: Wir wollen Allah (t) gehorchen und -- soweit es in unserer kleinen Macht liegt -- Seine Gesetze befolgen.

Laut Quran wurde der Prophet Muhammad für alle Menschen entsandt worden, auch für Christen und Juden.

"Sprich Muhammad: ""O ihr Menschen, ich bin für euch alle der Gesandter Allahs, Dessen das Königreich der Himmel und der Erde ist. Es ist kein Gott ausser Ihm. Er macht lebendig und lässt sterben. Darum glaubt an Allah und an Seinen Gesandten, den Propheten, der des Lesens und Schreibens unkundig ist, der an Allah und an Seine Worte glaubt; und folgt ihm, auf dass ihr rechtgeleitet werden möget."" (Quran 7:158)

Und Wir entsandten dich (Muhammad) nur aus Barmherzigkeit für alle Welten. (Quran 21:107)

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British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM

British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM

Wonderful Story about former Catholic Priest who used to work in Vatican and left all that for islam after he found the right Path to the Truth.

Idris Tawfiq, an English Catholic priest who became a convert to Islam. "I think people who embrace Islam see a calmness and simplicity that many have not experienced before. I don't see it as rigid, it's empowering. Islam is beautiful, sweet and gentle."

11/08/2006: Idris Tawfiq, a British Catholic priest who became a convert to Islam, is a source of fascination in his adopted home in Cairo. Mary Fitzgerald spoke to him about his personal journey of discovery.

It is a story that intrigues many in Idris Tawfiq's adopted home of Egypt. It is what draws people to his lectures and guarantees people will read his column in a local English language newspaper. It ensures dozens will participate in his online discussions on Islamic websites.

Everyone wants to know about the British man who went from Catholic priest to devout Muslim, or as one website put it, "from the Vatican to Al Azhar".

Idris, an unassuming fortysomething, understands why his story piques people's interest but insists, for him, the change felt very natural.

"Strange as it might look to millions of people, it seemed a very logical step for me to become Muslim," he says. "People say to me all that time that it must be a massive change, a complete about-face.

"But it's not. I see my life so far as very much a straight line, leading me little by little to where I am today."

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TV Report: Thousands Catholic Hispanics Converting To ISLAM

TV Report: Thousands Catholic Hispanics Converting To ISLAM

The Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson (IECNH) hosted nationally syndicated Hispanic television station Univision [channel 41 in the NYC metro area] on Thursday February 23rd 2006 at its center in Union City, NJ.

Musulmanes hispanos:
El Centro Islamico de North Hudson tuvo a la emisora reconocida nacionalmente, Univision, el Jueves el 23 de Febrero en su centro en Union City, NJ.

Many of the latinos converted into islam after 9/11, because they wanted to meet the people who did this they went to where they pray (mosques, and that when they go there thay found them selves drawn to islam...
and the muslim lady said that she always felt that a part of her was missing, until she converted to islam...

Hispanics leaving the Catholic Church and converting to Islam. They call it an "exodus." They also mention that the number of hispanics Muslims from a Catholic background is growing rapidly. Some of the reasons for their coversion, the people who are interview say, are the respect towards women, the oneness of God, and the similarity between the Hispanic and the Muslim societies (family values).
Many latinos were starting to critize and questio the cathlic church.

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TV Report: Latino Muslims Growing in Number in USA

Latino Muslims Growing in Number in the US

13 July 2005

Islamic Hispanics in US / Real broadband - download video clip
Islamic Hispanics in US / Real broadband video clip
Islamic Hispanics in US / Real dialup - download video clip
Islamic Hispanics in US / Real dialup video clip

Over the Fourth of July weekend, several hundred American Muslims came together in Dallas, Texas for the south-central regional conference of the Islamic Society of North America. Among them were many Spanish-speaking people who have embraced Islam.

slam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the United States and Latinos represent one of the fastest-growing minorities. Increasingly, the two trends are meeting in the form of Hispanic converts to Islam.

Juan Galvan
Juan Galvan
San Antonio native Juan Galvan says the transition to Islam is made easy for many Hispanics because of historic and cultural traditions dating back to the time when Muslims ruled much of Spain.

"Islam was in Spain for over 700 years. Spanish, as we speak it today, has been highly influenced. There are over a thousand words which have Arabic roots,” says Mr. Galvan. “Muslims and Latinos have a lot of similarities. Both appreciate family, both appreciate religion and I think that is one of the reasons that a lot of Latinos are coming to Islam."

The Islamic period in Spain came to an end when Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella succeeded in driving the Muslim Moors from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492.

To this day, many Hispanic Christians maintain a negative view of Islam, which has been reinforced by images of terrorism and unrest in the predominantly Muslim Middle East.

Muslim converts try to counter that image by presenting theirs as a religion of peace and brotherhood.

Latino Muslims are encouraged by the success of Islam among African-Americans. Nearly half of all Muslims in the United States today are black, as are around 90 percent of all new converts to the religion.

Mustafa Carroll
Mustafa Carroll
Dallas resident Mustafa Carroll says Islam has spread among blacks and other minorities by the example Muslims have provided. "We are not out proselytizing and we are not asking people to do it. All we do is present the word and people take it."

One of the biggest sources of new converts to Islam is the U.S. prison system. Mustafa Carroll says Muslim brothers offer support to those inmates who want to change their lives.

"We have a very dynamic inner-prison group right now in the Dallas, Texas area, which helps a lot of inmates to come out. They start the transformation in prison and then they get help to stay out of prison once they get out."

At the Islamic Society conference, one Mexican-American man told how his conversion to Islam took him away from a life of crime. He says his faith and the support of his brother Muslims has given him a new life.

Reyna Cazares
Reyna Cazares
For most Latino Muslim converts the transition is generally less dramatic. Reyna Cazares converted some months after her husband and daughter. "I was undecided in accepting all of it, in accepting the part that is very difficult for us Hispanics."

One of the things that she found difficult at first was the role of the Muslim woman, but Reyna says there are advantages in this new life she has chosen.

"The woman has her rights in Islam and they are respected by the man. The man and woman cooperate in following the rules established by God."

There are no firm figures on how many Latinos have converted to Islam, although there is an estimate of around 40,000, a small number compared to the overall U.S. Latino population of more than 35 million. But Latino Muslims say they believe many more will follow in their path as they spread the word about Islam in their communities.

See: Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO)

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Six Ladies Converting To ISLAM

Six Ladies Converting To ISLAM

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Live: Twenty Two (22) Australians Converting To ISLAM


Twenty Two (22) Australians Converting To ISLAM ..

22 people (brothers and sisters) from Australia converting to islam after they found out the truth about Islam,

They took their testimony of faith and embrace Islam by shaykh Khaled Yasin

may Allah give them goodness, easiness, and peaceful in this life and give them paradise in the here after, Ameen.

Coptic Girls Converting to islam, live in fear.

Coptic Girls Converting to islam, live in fear.

2 copt girls ask 4 protection 'cause they convert to islam.
They are final year medical students, who Choosed to be muslims.. They learned that islam completes christianity, and that it answers all the questions that they were not able to find in chritianity. Copts understand Arabic and thus have the advantage to read the Quraan in its original Language.
These 2 girls are tired ,like many of the copts who wilingly accepted islam, from the extremist copts who want them back to christianity.. They are asking for protection...
Please leave them alone.. Have mercy..

he is saying : "we have chosen Islam by our own will and we have declared that to everybody. What do you want from us. Leave us alone, ( she cry) because i have kids and i want to raise them and it is not their fault. Also, she said, I am willing to meet any Christian minister of their choice (her threatener) for an open debate where all the people can see. is it our fault that we follow what we see right.?? ( with crying voice))"